Keplr® Wallet®

Empower your crypto journey with Keplr Wallet - the trusted platform for managing, staking, and trading digital assets. Take control of your finances securely.

What coins does Keplr wallet support?

Keplr Wallet has emerged as a prominent player in the cryptocurrency space, offering users a seamless and secure platform to manage their digital assets across various blockchain networks. As of my last update, Keplr supports a wide array of coins, tokens, and assets, catering to the diverse needs of the crypto community.

One of the standout features of Keplr Wallet is its interoperability, allowing users to interact with multiple blockchains through a single interface. This versatility extends to the coins and tokens supported by the wallet, which include but are not limited to:

  1. Cosmos (ATOM): As the native staking token of the Cosmos network, ATOM is fully supported on Keplr Wallet. Users can stake, delegate, and participate in governance activities seamlessly through the wallet interface.

  2. Terra (LUNA): LUNA is the native token of the Terra blockchain, which powers a decentralized stablecoin ecosystem. Keplr enables users to manage their LUNA holdings and participate in staking rewards.

  3. Ethereum (ETH) and ERC-20 tokens: Keplr Wallet integrates with the Ethereum network, allowing users to store, send, and receive ETH along with a wide range of ERC-20 tokens. This compatibility enhances the wallet's utility for participants in the Ethereum ecosystem.

  4. Binance Smart Chain (BSC) assets: With the rising popularity of the Binance Smart Chain, Keplr Wallet ensures seamless access to BSC assets, enabling users to manage tokens, participate in DeFi protocols, and engage with decentralized applications (DApps) on BSC.

  5. Secret Network (SCRT): Keplr Wallet extends its support to privacy-focused blockchains like Secret Network, empowering users to transact and interact with privacy-preserving smart contracts while maintaining control over their data.

  6. Solana (SOL) and SPL tokens: Solana's high-performance blockchain and ecosystem of SPL tokens are fully accessible through Keplr Wallet, enabling users to leverage the speed and scalability of Solana for various decentralized finance (DeFi) and non-fungible token (NFT) applications.

  7. Kava (KAVA): Kava is a blockchain platform focused on decentralized finance, and Keplr Wallet provides comprehensive support for KAVA tokens, staking, and governance participation.

  8. Persistence (XPRT): As an interoperable blockchain powering asset tokenization and decentralized finance solutions, Persistence integrates seamlessly with Keplr Wallet, allowing users to manage XPRT tokens and participate in staking.

  9. Injective Protocol (INJ): Keplr Wallet enables users to engage with decentralized derivatives and trading on the Injective Protocol, offering support for INJ tokens and related activities.

  10. IRISnet (IRIS): IRISnet is an interchain service hub for next-gen distributed applications, and Keplr Wallet facilitates IRIS token management and participation in staking and governance.

In addition to these primary assets, Keplr Wallet continues to expand its supported coins and tokens, reflecting the evolving landscape of blockchain technology and decentralized finance. Users can expect ongoing updates and integrations to ensure broad compatibility and accessibility across various blockchain networks.

Furthermore, Keplr's commitment to security and user experience enhances the overall reliability and trustworthiness of the platform, providing users with peace of mind as they engage with digital assets and decentralized applications. With its robust feature set and growing ecosystem of supported assets, Keplr Wallet remains a top choice for crypto enthusiasts seeking a versatile and user-friendly solution for managing their digital wealth.

Last updated